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This is how we are living inside a video Game simulation !

🖍️Aurosish Rout , 16th April 2023




Have you ever played games like GTA , PUBG , Minecraft , and FreeFire etc . You may have played or you may have seen in videos. But , What if i told you that as like the characters of thease games we are also living inside a game.

Yes , you heared right . According to some scientists and philosophers , there is a high possiblity that our whole universe is just a video game and part of a computer simulation.
Let's explore how ?


The word simulation is derived from the latin word 'similis' Which means "similar". The Simulation Hypothesys was first theorized as part of a philosopical argument .
Nick Bostrom , a weastren Philosopher bring it into its present form in the year 2003.
According to Bostrom our entire existance is just a simulated reality , like a computer simulation.

Who created us ? Who simulated our wrold ?

let me explain you simply,
So , Bascically it's about computer simulated games , which are created by computer developers or programmers like above mentioned games.
So , if you notice , there are many similarities between our real wrold and the game wrold , such as trees , houses , roads , vechiles , characters (humans) . This is because we develop games which are quite similar to our wrold , and these games are simulations created by us (humans).When we play these games , we have the control over the characters and we can choose how the characters will behave .
Similarly, it is highly possible that there may exist an advanced civilization living in higher dimensions who created or programmed our whole universe, galaxies, stars, planets, animals, humans, and everything we consider nature-made.

And you can refer to those developers as 'gods', as they programmed or created us. Maybe they are just playing the game, and that's why they have control over our lives .
Note :- The analogy of "gods" here is used metaphorically to describe the hypothetical creators or programmers of our universe within the simulation theory. It is not intended to undermine or contradict any personal religious beliefs.

Simulation by us and simulation loop?

Nowadays, we have our own simulated games; however , in those games, the characters are not conscious and cannot think like humans. Their every behavior is programmed by us.
But God created humans as conscious beings, which is why we possess our own thoughts and curiosity. As a result of these inherent qualities, we have been able to create simulations of our own.
That means, until now, we have not reached the programming level of the developers who created us.

In the future, if we are able to create a conscious simulation, like a game where the characters are self-aware and capable of independent thinking, it is possible that they could advance to the point of creating their own simulation. This could potentially lead to a cascading effect, resulting in the creation of billions of simulations within simulations.

Image source : Javier Zarracina/Vox

That means our developer, "God," could also be inside a simulation, and their creators could also be inside a simulation. This leads to forming an infinite chain of nested simulations which will naver end and has no start .
So, the conclusion is that in the future, we may have the ability to explore beyond our current simulation, but we may never be able to escape the overarching simulation loop.

Why you should believe in the simulation hypothesys ?

Have you ever wondered about a very simple thing: why everything is so perfect ? Why is everything so perfectly suited to sustain life? Consider the Earth's optimal distance from the Sun, approximately 150 million kilometers, or the abundance of water covering 70% of the planet, creating a perfect environment. How could all of this be a mere accident ? How a perfectly balanced wrold , just created from nothing . Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, believes that these conditions are not accidental but rather planned and created specifically for us to inhabit and thrive.

Why is the speed of light the fastest speed in our universe? Scientifically, it is attributed to the fact that particles of light, such as photons, have no mass. However, if we consider the perspective of the Simulation Hypothesis, it is possible that the speed of light serves as a limitation within the simulated universe. Perhaps the simulation device in which our world is simulated has a processing speed that corresponds to the speed of light, approximately 3 * 10^8 m/s.
Do you know that we can never go faster than the speed of light or even reach the speed of light? There are many problems associated with achieving this, including infinite energy requirements and time paradoxes. Therefore, it is impossible for any object with mass to exceed the speed of light.
In the perspective of the simulation hypothesis, this limit is intentionally set by our developers. If we were to exceed the speed of light, it could potentially crash the system we are programmed in , or it may enable us to escape the simulation, which is something our developers wish to prevent.
Many researchers suggest that the Planck length, which is considered the shortest length in our universe, could be likened to pixels used to create the graphics of our universe.
In our society, we have often heard or witnessed many unsolved mysteries such as ghosts, spirits, and devils, which could be considered as bugs and glitches within the simulation.

Image source : The New York Times


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