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How immortality can be achieved by uploading consciousness ?

🖍️Aurosish Rout , 23rd july 2023




Before answering this qustion, you should understand what death actually is ? Death is the irreversible loss of all brain functions, which means that being brain dead is ultimately considered as death. However, if we are somehow able to restore the brain, we could potentially achieve immortality.

Yes, we can achieve immortality by uploading the restored brain, along with its preserved consciousness, and transferring it into an artificial brain

What is actually consciousness ?

So consciousness is the state of mind that allows you to be aware of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environment.

This means that all your subjective experiences, such as perceptions, emotions, thoughts, intentions, desires, knowledge, memory, intelligence, and self-awareness, are contained within your consciousness.

Other aspects like your favorite things, habits, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and behavior can also be part of your consciousness as they are a combination of conscious and unconscious processes

For example, if you were able to copy your friend's consciousness, you would gain access to their lifetime memories, favorite things, and more. You would start living and behaving like them

But How to copy someone's consciouness ?

The human brain is a highly intricate organ with a complex structure, composed of billions of interconnected neurons forming a vast network that underlies our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Conducting experiments on the human brain without a solid theoretical framework can be incredibly risky and dangerous.

However, there is a well-known theory called Orch OR (Orchestrated Objective Reduction) proposed by physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff. This theory suggests that consciousness is a quantum phenomenon. It presents a potential framework for conducting experiments on mind uploading, as it offers insights into the nature of consciousness at a fundamental level

Process of copying consciousness !

The process of copying consciousness is highly speculative and relies on our current understanding of consciousness. Essentially, it involves replicating the human brain and storing its information in a high-capacity computer.
Subsequently, an artificial neural network is constructed using deep learning techniques to mimic the intricate network of the human brain. The data (consciousness) is then transferred to the artificial brain and integrated into a robotic body .
As a result, the robotic body begins to exhibit behavior similar to those of a human, closely resembling the overall characteristics of the original individual. This way, one could potentially achieve immortality

“But this process is not so easy because creating an artificial neural network and transferring data to it involves a complex and challenging series of steps. so there are four key processes involved in achieving this goal”.

1.Mapping the brain :- In this crucial process, scientists have to create a detailed "map" of individual neurons, synapses, and the electrical and chemical activity occurring within the brain.
Such mapping is essential for comprehending consciousness and replicating it within an artificial brain.

2. Neural Interface :- It is a method of connecting or communicating with the brain. It involves finding a way to interact with the brain's electrical and chemical activity without invasive procedures. One example of a neural interface is a brain-computer interface (BCI).
BCIs are devices that works like a translator between your brain and a computer. It helps to translate the signals generated by your brain into something that can be understood and used by a computer .

3. Data Acquisition :- This process involves implementing a system capable of capturing an individual's entire brain activity by recording the complete set of neural signals within the brain to capture the essence of consciousness .
The main objective is to collect a comprehensive dataset that represents the brain's activity, including the patterns of electrical impulses and the release of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals involved in neural communication

4. Simulation and Replication : - Creating a highly sophisticated artificial brain involves developing a deep learning neural network capable of mimicking the structure and functions of a real biological brain. To achieve this, scientists would utilize the data acquired from mapping the brain.
The primary objective is to construct an artificial brain capable of processing information and exhibiting behaviour similar to that of a real brain. This artificial brain would serve as the foundation for hosting or emulating the consciousness of an individual.

5. Consciousness Transfer :- This process would involve finding a way to encode and transfer the complex information , patterns or emulate the consciousness of an individual from their biological brain to the artificial brain .
Consider the biological brain as a computer where different software programs running on it , each program represents different aspects of consciousness such as thoughts , memories and emotions . So to transfer your consciousness to an artificial brain, we would need to copy and recreate these programs in the artificial brain .
we can do it by activating and running the AI brain with the integrated data. The AI brain would start processing information and generating responses based on the individual's consciousness as closely as possible.

6.Implimenting it to a robot body :- After successfully copying consciousness to an artificial brain and conducting thorough testing, the next step is to implement the system into a robot body. By designing a robot body, integrating sensors and actuators, and calibrating the system we can integrate the brain to the robot body.
Once the AI system is successfully integrated into the robot body, the individual whose consciousness was copied would be able to perceive and interact with the world through the robot body.

So, after the completion of these processes, if the consciousness of a particular person is copied and implemented into a robotic body, even if that person dies physically, we would still be able to experience their presence through the robot body. It would be as if they were truly there, as consciousness preserves their memories and allows them to remember the life they spent with you before their physical passing. This is, ultimately, a form of immortality – not physical, but digital .

Note :- It's essential to emphasize that these steps are purely speculative and based on current understanding. The actual path to achieving consciousness uploading, if possible at all, may involve entirely different approaches and technologies that have yet to be discovered or developed


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