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Finally Quantum theory proves that evrything around us has life

🖍️Aurosish Rout , 18th February 2023




Hey there, curious minds! Today, we're delving into the mysterious realm where science meets philosophy.

Today we came up with an idea where the concepts of panpsychism and wave function collapse in a double slit experiment proves that everything around us has life or consciousness . Get ready to explore the intriguing intersection of consciousness and quantum mechanics!

what is Panpsychism ?

Panpsychism, a mind-boggling theory, proposes that consciousness is a fundamental property of matter, similar to mass and charge. It proposes that even the tiniest particles, such as electrons and quarks, possess some level of consciousness.

However, it does not imply that electrons or rocks have human-like thoughts or emotions. Instead , it posits that consciousness exists in various degrees Simple entities might have rudimentary forms of consciousness, while complex systems like the human brain exhibit highly developed subjective experiences.

The Double-Slit Experiment

Now, let's venture into the world of quantum mechanics. The double-slit experiment is a cornerstone of quantum physics. Imagine shining light or shooting particles, like electrons, through two slits onto a screen. What you'd expect is a straightforward pattern, right? But that's not what happens. Instead, the particles create an interference pattern, indicating wave-like behavior. Odd, isn't it? Here's where it gets even weirder: when you measure or observe these particles by a measuring device they behave like particles, not waves. This shift from wave to particle behavior is what scientists call the wave function collapse.
A measurement in the context of quantum mechanics refers to any interaction that provides information about the state of a quantum system. It could be a measurement device, an experiment setup, or any other physical process that interacts with the quantum system. When a measurement is made, the wave function of the quantum system collapses into a definite state.

How wavefunction collapse is connected to Panpsychism ?

Most scientists and physicists believe that when a measurement device interacts with the quantum system of an electron, the electron's wave function collapses into a definite state. But why does this happen? There is no specific practical explanation for this question
So, our idea is this: according to panpsychism, electrons have some degree of consciousness. When a measurement device interacts with its system, consciousness emerges in the electron, akin to the way our brain operates (as in the Orch-OR theory). The electron becomes aware of the observing device and changes its state from multiple states to a particular state.
As we mentioned before, small particles like electrons have a limited degree of consciousness. This is why they are only aware of the measurement device observing them, not of us (humans) observing the whole process
As everything in this world is fundamentally made of electrons, we can say that everything we see around us has some level of consciousness, from a piece of wood to a random stone

How it's also applied to bigger objects we see (try this yourself) ?

If you want to test this with real-life objects, let's begin. Since these objects are more than 1000 times bigger than electrons, they may have enough consciousness to be aware of human observation, or perhaps any conscious being
Okay, hold a book or any object in front of your face. Now, you can see only one side of the book, the side in front of your eyes. You can see this side because light reflects off it and enters your eyes, allowing you to perceive it. But what about the other side? Since it's a 3D object, you can't see both sides at the same time ,
So, at this particular moment (when you are holding the book), you can easily describe the color, shape, structure, and other features of the side facing you. But guess what? You can't determine the color of the other side of the book or its shape or structure The other side of the book remains in an indeterminate state until you turn the book and observe it directly,
Just like electrons, which exhibit both wave and particle nature, the electrons on the other side of the book are not in a particular state at that moment. However, when you turn the book to that side, as reflection occurs, its wave function collapses, and it changes its state to a particular state.


And there you have it, a glimpse into the enigmatic world where consciousness and quantum mechanics intertwine. Panpsychism offers a fresh perspective, challenging our understanding of the mind and the universe. The double-slit experiment, with its perplexing results, hints at a deeper connection between observation, consciousness, and the behavior of particles. As science and philosophy continue to dance on the edge of the unknown, we're left pondering the profound mysteries of existence.
So, dear explorers, keep questioning, keep wondering, and keep delving into the uncharted territories of knowledge. Who knows what other secrets the universe might unveil, waiting to ignite our curiosity and expand our understanding of the cosmos. Happy exploring


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